The smart way to start a small business

Understand that shopping habits are changing.

Whether it's a retail or a service business, save money on rent and advertising.

If you didn't have to pay rent, OR advertising, OR employees, think about how much more money you could put in your pocket!!!

Consumers don't "Shop" any longer. They buy online, or from places that are near their homes or workplaces.

Be innovative. A store offering items for children parked near a park or school. A pet shop parked near a dog park. 

Retail Stores that go to the Customer

  • Find you customers instead of waiting for them to find you
  • Work the hours you want to work instead of having to be at a store for every posted hour.
  • If your significent other needs to relocate, take your business with you!
  • Don't pay employees to man a store during empty hours.
  • Open in busines parking lots, street fairs, festivals, events, anywhere!
  • Let people know your location using one of several app currently available
  • Follow food trucks and let people shop when they finish lunch
  • No back breaking set up and take down.
  • Join the current trend of pop up stores!
  • Bakery
  • Coffee
  • Ice Cream
  • Clothing 
  • Jewelry
  • Beauty and Body Care Products
  • Wellness and Herbalism products
  • Conveniencs Store
  • Cosmetics
  • Organic Food
  • Vegan Grocery Store
  • Candles, soap, perfume


  • From a children's beauty salon that serves children's parties to an accounting firm that does the bookeeping for small businesses, you are where your customer needs you to be.
  • Advertise with a sign on your moving business. We guarantee you will catch the eye of everyone on the road as you drive your business past them.
  • When you aren't doing business, you aren't paying for overhead like staff, electricity, heating and more. Your business sits and waits for you.
  • You can servce a much larger geographic area than you can get people to drive to if you have a static location. And no one can raise your rent!
  • Venture into new areas. Give massages and spa treatments to office workers on their lunch or break. They will return refreshed and you don't have to load equipment into a van.
  • These units are large enough to hold yoga classes. Find a large office building and schedule them every week.
  • Build the interior into any configuration you want. We have even done a mobile vet clinic.
  • Massage
  • Spa
  • Hair Salon
  • Nail Salon
  • Yoga
  • Catering
  • Accouting
  • Tutoring
  • Sales Training